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Our YouTube channel

The videos on this page are from our Youtube channel that you can fully access by clicking this link. Most videos have English subtitles to make them accessible to all and some videos have generously been translated in numerous languages from volunteers viewers.

Our YouTube channel provides free educational content on horse training, welfare and management. You can support our work by subscribing to the channel (it’s free), liking, commenting and sharing its content (it helps people like you to find us) and if you can, set up a donation on our patreon.

Our animated videos

Started in 2016, the animated series explore animal behaviour, welfare and management topics using "white board" animation style.

All the videos in the series have an English subtitles options.


Our training videos

This video in this section include training tutorials and demonstrations of what can be achieved with humane, science-based horse training techniques such as positive reinforcement, counter conditioning and systematic desensitisation.


Our management videos

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Fair Horsemanship accepts no liability for any damage to or injuries incurred by people, animals or inventory during any activities inspired by Fair Horsemanship content. Riding and handling horses are High Risk Activity and holds a potential danger, all horses may react unpredictably on occasions.

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